Amir Yampel – Intervista al Cyber Crime Conference 2017

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Amir Yampel

Insider Threats Business Development, ObserveIT

Come uniformarsi al GDPR gestendo le minacce interne

Consigli utili per tutte quelle aziende che dovranno adeguarsi al GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), il nuovo regolamento europeo in tema di trattamento dei dati personali che uniforma le normative nazionali e crea un nuovo e più rigido sistema di sanzioni.


  1. As we know, Insider Threats can come from malicious insiders or from users with absolutely no bad intentions. Is there a common way to approach both these scenarios?
  2. Is there a link between Insider Threats and compliance requirements for the new EU GDPR?
  3. ObserveIT claims that it provides full visibility into what internal users and 3rd-party contractors are doing. Many companies collect and analyze logs that provide them with a lot of visibility. What are the additional benefits that ObserveIT offers beyond log analysis?

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